Campeonato Jauense de Futsal 1 Divisão-2 Rodada

terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2022

RE: Verified Leads and queries

I'd like to touch base if there's an opportunity for us to work together on your sales development initiatives.  We specialize in delivering targeted prospect database, generate leads using your service presentation, schedule phone calls, top keyword listing, branding, blog posts, generate web traffic and sales for B2B firms.

What we do,
1.We can provide you targeted database from your target audience with name, title, email, phone, address and company details with 90% accuracy.
2.We will Send Email Newsletter/promotional emails to your potential clients on a regular basis across the city/state/country/globally based on the requirement
3.We will create Animated/whiteboard videos about your organization and publish in different channels.
4.Write articles about your company and publish them in different blogs(Blog post)
5.Get organic website traffic to increase alexa ranking and website position in google
6.Send text/WhatsApp messages with your company brochure/product catalogue to your target audience.
7.Fast track Google ranking, top ranking keywords SEO and listing No.1 in local area against your competition
8.Social media lead generation campaign and regular posts.

Is this something you're exploring? We could have a short presentation, let me know your preferred schedule.

Thanks and enjoy the rest of the day.

Ambria Lindberg
VP of inside sales


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