Campeonato Jauense de Futsal 1 Divisão-2 Rodada

segunda-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2019

你好,親愛的 [Hi dear] BN35UI

[English version below]


我的名字是K Genzo小姐,我是一個18歲的女孩,我寫信給你是為了讓你知道我是一個孤兒,我是我父母唯一的孩子。我通過互聯網搜索從在線電子郵件數據庫目錄中搜索您的電子郵件地址,我想與您溝通我為了安全而重新安置到您所在國家/地區的興趣計劃。






Hello dear,

My Name is Miss Kira Genzo, I am a 18 years old girl, I am writing you to let you know that I'm an orphan, I am the only child of my parents. I search your email address from the online e-mail Database Directory through the Internet search, I would like to communicate with you about my interest plan in relocating to your country for my safety.

I am a Chinese American. My father has died of a heart attack months ago and I sincerely need your help now because my life is in Danger. I want to discuss and handle a very important business with you. I will write you more details of the business when I receive your reply.

Please reply immediately to my personal email address:

I wait for your next reply.

Thank you.

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